Pastor David Barrett & Lady Janice Barrett

Pastor David Barrett is the youngest of four children born to Bishop Jabez Barrett and Lady Inez Barrett. Pastor David Barrett realized the call of God on his life from a very young age and preached his first sermon at the age of twelve during a Sunday night youth service.  His journey with the Lord is a powerful reflection of God’s goodness and mercy.  In his early years, he enjoyed being a part of the music ministry and loved playing the drums in his father’s Church.  He was also active in the Youth Department including the drama ministry, where he always played an active role in the Christmas and Easter programs. 

After leaving home, he became a member of the First Born Church of the Living God where he participated in various ministries, taught in the Sunday School and was active in the Church’s after-school program.  Ordained as a Deacon in 2011, he was so committed to the call that by the following year he advanced to the level of becoming a licensed minister.  While continuing to grow in his walk with the Lord, he became an ordained Elder with the First Born Church of the Living God in 2013.  Rev. David Barrett was appointed as Director of the Youth Empowerment for Philadelphia Interfaith Coalition and served from 2012 to 2014.

His life then took a very difficult turn and for a few years he experienced a lapse in his walk with God.  As a result, he came to be a man well acquainted with the sorrow of making harmful choices and the painful consequences they bear. It was during these dark times that a man of God spoke to him and plainly stated, “Even if you make your bed in hell, God is coming to get you.”  This life-changing encounter was yet one of many examples of God’s faithfulness to Rev. David Barrett.

In humility, it gave him the courage he needed to return to his home in Philadelphia. After recommitting his life to God, Rev. David Barrett took on the role as the Diocese Youth President for the Northeast Fellowship Diocese of the First Born Church of the Living God. He served in this capacity from 2017 to 2018. Now reconciled with God, and under Apostle Samuel Jones; He was ordained as an Elder in the United Assemblies in Christ World-Wide in 2017. Currently, Rev. David Barrett with his wife, Lady Janice Barrett, serves as National Youth & Young Adults President of the United Assemblies in Christ.

Having answered God’s clarion call for his life, on January 19, 2020, Rev. David Barrett accepted the position as Pastor of the El Elyon Church of the Most High God. He is blessed with a heart for ministry and people. God has given him a vision for the Church to embrace, enlighten, encourage and enhance the lives of God’s children. Pastor David Barrett is leading the mission of our Church to fulfill the great commission by being a beacon of hope for a world that is suffering spiritually, physically and emotionally. To encourage life transformations through a relationship with the triune God and to develop strong community ties by facilitating outreach programs that minister to the needs of the community.

In August of 2021 Rev. David Barrett was officially consecrated as Bishop of El Elyon Church of the Most High God.

The life scripture of Bishop David Barrett declares it best:

“…forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before,I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.”  ~ Philippians 3:13-14 (KJV)